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Roaring Forties Blue cheese: What is it and which its characteristics

Home / Roaring Forties Blue cheese: What is it and which its characteristics


03 August, 2023

Roaring Forties Blue cheese, what is Roaring Forties Blue cheese

Roaring Forties Blue cheese: What is it and which its characteristics

Exploring the Rich Flavors of Roaring Forties Blue Cheese: A Journey to King Island’s Culinary Gem

Amidst the vast expanse of the Bass Strait, where the powerful westerly winds howl relentlessly, lies an island of culinary wonder – King Island. Nestled off the coast of Australia, this remote and rugged land is home to a cheese that embodies the spirit of its tumultuous surroundings – Roaring Forties Blue cheese. As a beloved creation of the King Island Dairy, this blue-veined gem has captivated the taste buds of cheese connoisseurs and adventurers alike, offering a symphony of flavors that reflect the island’s unique terroir.

In this article, we embark on a gastronomic journey to uncover the secrets of Roaring Forties Blue cheese. From its humble beginnings on the verdant pastures of King Island to its transformation into a creamy and tangy delight, we delve into the artistry and craftsmanship that culminate in this distinctive Australian blue cheese. Prepare to be enchanted as we explore the meticulous aging process, during which the cheese matures and develops its signature marbling of blue veins, creating an intricate tapestry of flavors that tantalize the senses.

Roaring Forties Blue cheese

Discover the intriguing interplay of history and geography as we unravel the story behind the name “Roaring Forties,” a tribute to the relentless winds that sweep across this southern region, shaping the cheese’s character and bestowing it with unparalleled personality. Moreover, we shed light on the efforts of the King Island Dairy, a passionate steward of its surroundings, and how their commitment to sustainable and ethical practices infuses the cheese with a sense of place and responsibility.

Join us on a sensory adventure as we savor the Roaring Forties Blue cheese in all its culinary versatility. From indulging in its delightful complexity on a charcuterie board to elevating gourmet dishes with its bold and creamy essence, this cheese proves to be a versatile and coveted ingredient for epicurean enthusiasts.

Prepare to be inspired by the enchanting flavors of Roaring Forties Blue cheese and the vibrant tale of its island origin. Allow the winds of culinary delight to carry you to King Island’s shores and immerse yourself in the world of this extraordinary Australian masterpiece.

¿What is Roaring Forties Blue cheese?

Roaring Forties Blue cheese is a type of blue cheese produced in Australia by the King Island Dairy. The name “Roaring Forties” is inspired by the strong westerly winds that blow in the region known as the “Roaring Forties,” located between the latitudes of 40 and 50 degrees south of the equator. These winds influence the climate of King Island, located in the Bass Strait between Australia and Tasmania, creating a perfect environment for cheese production.

The cheese is made from high-quality cow’s milk and is known for its creamy texture and distinct blue veining, which are a result of the growth of Penicillium cultures during the aging process. The blue mold gives the cheese its characteristic tangy and sharp flavor, which becomes more pronounced as the cheese matures.

Roaring Forties Blue cheese, what is Roaring Forties Blue cheese

Roaring Forties Blue cheese is typically aged for several months, allowing the flavors to develop and the blue veining to spread throughout the cheese. It is a favorite among blue cheese lovers for its rich taste and creamy mouthfeel.

This cheese can be enjoyed on its own, paired with fruits and nuts, or used as an ingredient in various dishes to add depth and complexity to recipes. Its unique flavors and connection to the rugged landscape of King Island make it a popular and distinctive Australian blue cheese.


Roaring Forties Blue cheese is produced by the King Island Dairy, which is located on King Island, situated in the Bass Strait between Australia and Tasmania. King Island is part of the state of Tasmania in Australia and is known for its lush pastures and cool climate, which create an ideal environment for dairy farming and cheese production.

The name “Roaring Forties” refers to the strong westerly winds that blow across the region between the latitudes of 40 and 50 degrees south of the equator. These winds, known as the “Roaring Forties,” influence the climate of King Island, contributing to the unique terroir that impacts the flavor and character of the cheese.

The King Island Dairy has been producing Roaring Forties Blue cheese since the 1980s, making it one of their signature cheeses (like Tasmanian Heritage). They use high-quality cow’s milk sourced from local dairy farms, and the cheese is made following traditional techniques to ensure its distinctive taste and texture.

As a result of the island’s pristine environment and the expertise of the dairy’s cheesemakers, Roaring Forties Blue cheese has gained popularity both in Australia and internationally. It has become renowned for its creamy texture (like this Cottage), marbled with blue veins, and its bold, tangy flavor, which reflects the unique terroir and craftsmanship of King Island.


Here are the characteristics of Roaring Forties Blue cheese:

  1. Creamy Texture: Roaring Forties Blue cheese has a luxurious and creamy texture that is smooth and luscious on the palate.
  2. Blue Veining: The cheese is marbled with distinctive blue veins, which are a result of the growth of Penicillium cultures during the aging process.
  3. Tangy and Bold Flavor: This cheese is known for its pronounced and bold flavor profile, offering a delightful tanginess that becomes more pronounced as it ages.
  4. Unique Terroir: Produced on King Island, the cheese captures the essence of the island’s terroir, characterized by the cool climate and the influence of the Roaring Forties winds.
  5. Maturation Process: Roaring Forties Blue cheese is aged for several months, allowing the flavors to develop and the blue veining to spread, creating a symphony of tastes that tantalize the taste buds.
  6. Artisanal Craftsmanship: The cheese is made using traditional cheese-making techniques and the expertise of the King Island Dairy’s skilled cheesemakers, ensuring a high-quality product.
  7. Versatile Use: Roaring Forties Blue cheese is versatile in the kitchen, perfect for enjoying on its own, as part of a cheese platter, or as an ingredient in various dishes, adding depth and complexity to recipes.
  8. Popularity: The cheese has gained popularity among cheese connoisseurs and food enthusiasts in Australia and internationally, becoming one of the signature cheeses from the King Island Dairy.
  9. Cultural Tribute: The name “Roaring Forties” pays homage to the strong westerly winds that shape the island’s landscape and influence the cheese’s character, creating a connection between the cheese and its island origin.
  10. Distinctive Appearance: The marbling of blue veins against the creamy backdrop of the cheese gives it an attractive and eye-catching appearance, making it visually appealing on cheese boards and in dishes.

Roaring Forties Blue cheese stands as a testament to the unique combination of geography, craftsmanship, and passion, resulting in a cheese that has captured the hearts and palates of cheese lovers around the world.

If you liked this cheese, try this delicious cheesecake recipe.



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